Port Beach-South Leighton
The indicative figure to the right (above on mobile) shows how the foreshore park could be created. A large part of the area shown in green is where old oil tanks and other infrastructure stood until recently.
Changing the zoning from industrial to parks and recreation is the most important decision the Cook Government needs to make to deliver the public park.
Imagine rehabilitated dunes that will maintain the beach naturally, without requiring seawalls and groynes, picnic areas under shady trees, places for coffee and food trucks, perhaps a basketball hoop, exercise equipment, even a small amphitheatre for music performances, and public art. This area could become one of Perth's outstanding coastal public spaces.
In future, as older land-uses move out of the section shown in orange, sympathetic residential development could be built, gaining value from being adjacent to the park. Whether through-traffic should be aligned as shown or along the railway track is to be determined.